Since I can’t sleep and I’ve
just remembered that I have challege from BEC about “Ten Years from Now”, I
will write about it now. I know it is too late to write about it since the due
date is over but I will write it still. I always feel so excited when it comes
to tell about the future. I got challenge to write a letter for myself in 10
years later. Now, this 24 year-old woman will write for Meykke who turns 34
years old.
Dear Meykke,
How are you? How is your
life now? Is everything ok?
It’s so weird to write a
letter for you since you are me. I am you. But, anyway I hope you are still
alive (Oh God please I am sure still alive, right?)
Meykke, I know that you
have so many things to do. Sometimes you get obsessed by something and work
very hard to reach them. Even you can stay up until 3 am only for writing this.
Sometimes you’re unbelievable!
Along these years, what
will have you got already?? I have so many questions for you. But, the first
thing popping up in mind is,
- You will have got
married already. You will have understood that it’s not scary. Or now, are you
reading this together with him? (I feel embarassed now, qiqiqiqiqiqi) Then now
you will just smile so widely then. I’m sure you will have found the right one.
Wait, and I think you will have had a child now. Like what?? Is it a girl like
what you always dream of? Or, is it a little cute boy? OMG, or you will have
had both of them?? 10 years changes everything, huh??
- I hope you will have
had your own house. I know what kind of house you want. You want the cute one
with light blue wall. You will have had a garden inside with a small fountain
in the middle of small pond. Then, you will have had a swimming pool, only the
small one will be so enough. Every morning, you will have listened the sound of
the water from the garden. When I think about it, I’m so excited, Mey!! Hope
husband will have agreed, then.
- I think you will have
published your personal literature/comedy novel or romance novel, even both of
them. Now you are writing the comedy one though it feels like it takes forever
to finish, but I’m pretty sure you will have finished it and got it published.
Then you will have built the small lprivate library which you can read
altogether with the whole family when holiday comes.
- I’m sure you will have
been better as moslem. Now I’m working on it. I’m really sure you will have
been far far better than me now. You will have worn a syari’ah clothes and
become a lot better. Insha Allah.
- Heyy, and how about
your bussiness?? I think you will have had your own bussiness while teaching
since teaching is your passion,you said. You said you wanna be entrepreuner too,
right? Or maybe you will have merged with your husband to build some bussiness
together. Not only taking care of house, I hope you will have had something
important to do. Well, though it is important as well. But, you will have
supported ur husband in financial, too right?
Meykke, I’m writing this
to boost your courage. I know it is too much. So, when you read this ten years
later and reality doesn’t fit it, don’t be sad. Because God will give the best
for us as everytime. What I know for sure is.....ten years later, you will have
been much more mature than me now.You will have understood what your life is
for. You will have achieved what you’re struggling for. Because you have to
believe God never sleeps, God never fails.
Meykke, just have a
courage and keep going. You are the only thing I have, your mind, your soul,
your idea of life, your courage,YOU. I only have you. Without you, I am
Meykke, fighting!!
Guide me to learn English clearly
BalasHapusAku ngerti, mbak Mey. Tapi maaf kalo aku komentarnya pakai bahasa indonesia. Dimaafkan? :')
BalasHapusSemoga mbak Mey sepuluh tahun ke depan sesuai dengan yang di surat ini. Semangat terus, mbaaak. Ditunggu karya-karyanya. :)
Haduhhh maaf banget nih gak bisa komentar apa2,,
BalasHapusTakut komentar malah salah arti, biasalah ya efek nilai bahasa inggris cuma nilai E. :(
Ini kayak kisah di masa depan gitu ya?
BalasHapusThink of future? Imposibble but if you're write about it, its funny and helped you to reach your dream. Imagination
Mbak mei, emang harus pake bahasa inggris gini yah? Bukannya ngga tau, cuman vocab gue masih kurang. Mau translate gugel pasti beda arti. :_:
BalasHapusOh my god !!! *melongo sambil kedip kedip
BalasHapusjoinan ama gugel translet ah. Kalo gak salah maksud dari tulisan ini tentang surat untuk diri sendiri dan rencara di 10 tahun mendatang.
Gugelnya agak bego nih jadi terjemahannya banyak yg ngaco -,-
Mudah2an saya gak salah tangkep aja ya.
Setiap point di atas memiliki sebuah harapan. Harapan yang mungkin pasti terwujud.
Hanya tinggal berdo'a dan berusaha. Karena benar, Allah tidak pernah tidur.
Penutupnya pake bahasa inggris ah, biar ikutan keren "Wish you all the best" *Walaupun kalimatnya udah mainstream banget, tapi tolong diterima ya, cuma tau itu doang soalnya :D
Nice post
Mbak, saya harus buka google translate untuk membaca tulisan, Mbak :(
BalasHapusUntung zaman sekarang udah ada google translate. Kalau zaman dulu, saya harus ngetik satu satu di transtool. Hahaha.
Saya paham apa yang Mbak tulis. (dengan bantuan goggle translate pastinya).
Yang saya tangkap adalah, ini seperti...mmm seperti harapan Mbak untuk waktu 10 tahun kemudian. Atau, ini bisa di katakan semacam janji Mbak kepada diri Mbak sendiri. Tapi, Mbak menulisnya seperti dalam surat. Benarkah begitu? Kalau salah, tolong di maafkan, Mbak ya.
Saya hanya bisa berharap, semua hal yang Mbak tulis, akan terwujud dalam waktu 10 tahun kedepan. Mbak sudah menikah, dan membaca kembali surat ini dengan pasangan Mbak. Terus, Mbak sudah memiliki rumah sendiri, menerbitkan novel, bisnis yang Mbak kerjakan selalu lancar.
Mungkin begitu maksud dari tulisannya ya, Mbak? Hahaha. Sekali lagi, kalau saya salah mengartikan, tolong di maafkan. Nilai bahasa inggris saya rendah Mbak. Hahahaha.
Setelah geleng-geleng kepala karena bingung mau mulai dari mana? Akhirnya Pangeran membacanya perlahan dan ngerti ternyat surat dari diri sendiri yang berisikan begitu banyak harapan kak Mey di tahun ini.
BalasHapusJujur, sebagai orang yang hanya kenal melalui Blog, gue ngerasa kak Mey adalah sosok yang emang tangguh banget. SUka salut sama semua karyanya. Selalu optimis, konsisten, dan selalu penuh keyakinan bahwa Dunia untuk ditaklukkan. Keren, kak. "Sukses buat semuan harapannya." AMin..
Sorry nih kalo salah pemahaman, soalnya nilai bahasa inggrisku ancur.
BalasHapusSetidaknya aku sedikit paham isinya. Ini isinya harapan-harapan yang ditulis untuk 10 tahun mendatang atau ini surat sepuluh tahun lalu ya.
Buat mbak, Yakin aja harapan-harapan itu bakal terwujud. Semangat mbak.
just feels like.. umm.. watching japanese dorama. the dorama about time machine, actually.
BalasHapusgood for you, it's a challenge, challenge your self is quite good for life's motivaton. especially, 10 years from now.