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Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

And here I am, After getting through long long way for years together with my friends, now...every single effort and struggle are paid off, lunas!

All the good and bad memories are still lingering in my mind, all the struggles, all the effort, all the things I can still remember them so well.

There was time I felt down, could not soar.

There was time I wanted to give up, could not stand anylonger.

But then at the end, I succeed finishing what I started four years ago.

I still remember how I had to struggle to enter the university. At that time I had no idea where I had to go. And it was such the only choice I had. While my friends left the town and had a brand new life in the new place, I stayed here and grumbled all the time.

And as time goes by, I found out what I’m seeking for. I found out my passion, I met with so many good friends, I had so many good memories and challenges. I could do something new, something I’ve never experienced before.

And I know my passion now. And now I know where to go, where I can open up the new chapter of my life, where I have to lead my step!

Although I had to pass through 25 kilometres twice a day everyday and I hardly came on time because I had to change the public transportation twice to reach the campus,

Although sometimes I felt sooooo tired and exhausted because I had to go in the early morning and went home so late at night,

But then all of these obstacles are nothing compared to what I gain now. One of my dream would come true soon, so do my friends’.

I feel soooo lucky and proud and grateful being part of them. I become open-minded in some things, I become someone I was not. I learn, experience and gain many things. Everything is worth-struggling!!!

So thank you for Alloh who gives me such a time feeling all the happiness here, Thank you for Alloh who gives me strength to keep struggling and finish my duty, Thank you for Alloh who gives me a chance to gain something new in my life through them, Thank you for Alloh who gives me all the obstacles so I can learn from it, Thank you for Alloh who gives me ‘not easy life’ to make me stronger than ever. Thank you for Alloh to give me blessed life and let me be blessing for the others. Thank you for Alloh who decide all the things happens for the best.

And without Alloh, I am nothing. Because Alloh, I have everything I need, family, true friends who says ‘wes rapopo rapopo..’ when I feel down and broken, ability that lead me to this stage, and all the things I have.

I don’t know how to say how grateful I am in words. I know life is never easy, but then I know in God’s hand, all the not-easy things never mean impossible.

So thank you Alloh, thank you so much.

Thank you all people supporting me until the end.

Than you for my lovely family who support me in all ways they can,

Thank you for all lecturers who teach me sooooo many lesson and give me sooo many inspirations.

Thank you for all colleagues who always make my day colorful with laughter and jokes, who supoort each other until the end and make soooo many good memories.

Thank you for my bestfriends who always support me in every situation. Although we rarely meet, but they are always there for me.

Thank you for teman indah masa lalu for the support, motivation, inspiration, love, and caring. We had grown up together for years. Since life works this way, then it is just okay. God knows best and prepares the best in front.

Without you all I can not reach this stage, Thank you for all love and caring. Thank you for the chances, Thank you so much.

Thank you...

Let’s open up the new page, let’s start the new chapter, and let’s be on fire!


Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)

  1. begitulah adanya sahabat.. akan selalu mendukung dan memberi kekuatan. moga ramadhan menjadi kebahagiaan buat kita semua

  2. asii... temanya hari ini bnyak yg sahabat2 gtu ya.. :D
    emang menyenangkan punya sahabat XD

    1. banget banget banget!!@.@ nggak ada sahabat rasanya dunia nggak ada warnanya. behehhe

  3. So touching. Feel happy for your happiness, Dear..

  4. Selamat. Perjuangan hidup menunggumu kawan. Tanggung jawab yg jauh lebih besar. ^_^v

  5. sahabat adalah engkau yang kedua hehe :D

  6. sama deh kita, sama-sama baru lulus dan meninggalkan teman serta sahabat yang udah 4 tahun sama-sama di kampus :')

    1. iya, rasanya sedih kan Gil khan...wah, kita seumuran dong ya? gimana rasanya jadi pengangguran baru?

  7. Tema hari ini, sahabat:')

    Salam buat sehabat Meyke yah:)

    1. iya, cc Lina. salam juga buat sahabat cc Lina :)

  8. iya Allah adalah segala-galanya, Kadang orang merasa takut ketika org disekitar pergi, tapi itu adalah sebagai bentuk ujian dan elo bakal teriak seberapa kenceng Thank you Allah

    1. iya bener Nem bener Nem..tapi yang terakhir agak susah dicerna itu maksutnya gimana ya Nem?
