about those five colleagues

about those five colleagues
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Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Good morniiiiiing….

Now it is about 10.30 A.M on Sunday, January 29, 2012 inside my sky blue room. Impossible for me to post it on the blog straightaway since I have no internet connection now.

#lagi bokek nggak bisa beli isi modem:D

Talking about friends, either childhood friends, colleagues, senior high school friends never be lasting. Lagi sangat menikmati punya temen kuliah yang bisa diajakin susah seneng bersama. You can tell everything to them, and they do the same as well.

Now, I want to tell you about my closest colleagues of the world!

Dari dulu yang kemana mana cuman sama si Inggit, sekarang bertaambah jadi sama si Via, si Mela, dan juga si Wida original from Purwodadi.

At first they didn’t like taking pictures, but by time goes by, they do like!!

Si Mela apalagi yang ngebet pingin foto setelah udah beberapa minggu ini dia memutuskan pake jilbab like meee…. Dari dulu selalu minta saran soal jilbab. Dan setelah baca baca buku, memantapkan hati dan juga Tanya Tanya soal jilbab serta tetek bengeknya, Alhamdulillah now she is wearing a hijab!!!

Mela itu kadang juga mulutnya pingin aku kasih hansaplas, soalnya kalau ngomong kadang bikin hati jadi panas. Tapi, karena Alloh itu Maha Adil menciptakan semua makhluknya, begitu begitu dia kalau aku agak tengikin juga nggak marah. Waktu aku nggak beli kopi juga tiba tiba dibelikin. Seneng banget curhat atau SMS atau telpon soal tugas, soal percintaan, dll. Padahal kadang kalau udah BT denger nada bicara dan content ucapannya sering juga aku tengikin. But, in the deepest of my heart, I don’t hate her at all. She also has recommended LBC to me, so that I could do effort to remove my acne. Sekarang jerawat kecil kecil didahiku sudah lumayan ketimbang dulu dulu. Every friend must contribute a lot for my life!(must disitu bukan harus, tapi pasti). Mau teman dari manaaaaa saja pasti berjasa buatku. That’s why I love my friends a lot. Color up my life!!:D Si Mela juga mau diajakin kemana mana. Ah, dari berlima ini aku dan Mela yang paling suka dandan. Si Mela suka pake lipgloss dan aye shadow serta mascara. Akunya suka pake eye liner, mascara, dan juga lipgloss! We talk about beauty stuff all the day!! Namanya juga usaha:D. After using LBC product, she looks brighter. Soft hijab covering her head makes her more beautiful I think.

Si Via, orang paling panic sejagad raya. Kadang aku tengikin juga, tapi nggak dari hati alias Cuma bercanda. Her favorite question is “aku aneh ora??” when she wears a certain clothes. Honestly, she is so sweet. We have the same color skin. Dia juga sudah mulai berdandan pake lipbalm sheer color. Dia orangnya baiiik banget, polos, dan nggak neko neko. Her story touched me and I like being one of her friends!

Si Inggit udah sering aku ceritain. She is totally loyal!!! Kemana aja dia pasti nganterin. She always gives me suggestions about everything. She knows almost everything about me. Dia juga bukan orang yang neko neko dan banyak maunya. Being with them make me sooooo thankful and grateful.:D oh ya, Inggit adalah yang nggak paling suka dandan dari kelimanya, but she is the most beautiful among others. All she needs is just hair smoothing.:D

Dan yang paling tidak neko neko dari kelimanya adalah Wida. Her life is soooooooooo quiet. I mean she is totally tauladan student because what she is thinking of is just study! But, she likes to use eye shadow and lipgloss too.

That’s all my friends! So hard to find out friends which have the same interest, level, and the way of thinking. Thus, I feel so comfortable making friends with those innocent friends. Wanna yel at them,

Ayo lulus bareng bareng cah!


Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)