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Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Single light

Ignite light

Make it light

Hold me in the darkness

Hug me in the fidgetiness

Because I’m full of anxiousness

You are the one make me strong, the one which can be my weakness

As well

When the darkness in everywhere, when I can’t see anything

Please be my light

Please be luminance

(inspirasi datang waktu mati lampu 02062011…8:53 PM)


Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)