All About The Three Storyteller Winners (Part 2)

All About The Three Storyteller Winners (Part 2)
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Senin, 18 Desember 2017
Read also "All About The Three Storyteller Winners (Part 1)"

Diajeng really learnt many things from the previous competition; such as the expressions, the movement, the costume, and everything. She's got much confident as well afterwards. Thus, now the good news is coming from Diajeng!!

On November 25th 2017, we joined a Story Telling competition held by Al Ma'ruf Islamic School, East Jakarta. There were 25 participants joining this story telling competition and they came from many schools around East Jakarta. Altogether with other participants in different categories ( Tahfidz Competition), we were ready to fight!! 

We're ready for the competition!

It was held only 4 days right after they joined the competition in the Lazuardi school, they had to be ready for the next story telling with different theme. It means that they had to memorize another story, prepare another puppet and costume. 

What I admire from Diajeng is her willingness and spirit. She could memorize the story only in one night!! Then in the following day, she came up with better expressions, intonation, speed, movement, and everything. She even pretended to fall down when the script told so. So amusing!

I love her costume for sure. Her mom bought it online only two days before the competition!! We discussed about the costume via WA and this time she's got the perfect costume ever. She even put on some make up and looked totally pretty on the show. She could tell the story and act it out very well. For me, she's such a FABULOUS ACTRESS! No wonder, she's got the FIRST place!

But the good news is not only coming from her, but also from Ahna; the fourth grade that appeared beautifully with her costume and story.

What I like from Ahna is about her strong voice. She's got strong voice, good intonation and pace, smooth movement and enough expressions. Those kind of things are really important for a story teller like them. They have to tell a story and entertain the viewer at the same time, plus give the moral value at the end. All of my students always give the moral value at the end of their performance. And here we go, Ahna could win over other 24 participants coming from some public and private school in East Jakarta and became the FOURTH winner. Congratulation!! :)

And the third participants that I like so much is Nevan.


Same like Diajeng, he had to struggle again in this competition. Only in two days, he had to prepare everything. We lacked of time, of course. But he could do his best; he could memorize the story, act it out really well, and deal with everything happened on the stage. For me, he's awesome!! Two thumbs up!

And the youngest participant is Algif. He's only grade 2, but he's extremely brave. He could win over his own fear and hesitation. He's confident with himself and for me it's more than enough. He still has much time to develop himself. Algif, you still have long time to go with many chances! Go ahead for it!!


After we waited for the announcement, together with Tahfidz Winner. YEAY!!
Many thanks for my lovely husband; Mr Alfrets who accompanied me and took this lovely picture.

Well, I had four students who struggle with me in this competition. Two of them became the winners. But the fact is THEY ALL WIN. They win over all the fear and hesitation inside them. They win over the uncomfortable zone when they decided to compete. And become the winner chosen by the committee, it's only BONUS.
I really hope that this winning will lead them to be more confident, enthusiastic, spiritful and have BIGGER dream in the future. This winning is impossible without the role and help from school and parents.
Again, this competition teaches us something,
"All the hardwork will pay off"

My beautiful owl and peacock :)

Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

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