The 5th Day Challenge : FAMILY!

The 5th Day Challenge : FAMILY!
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Kamis, 15 Juni 2017
"Work outside your hometown, live by yourself and you will understand how precious your family's presence would be."

It totally describes me. I have been living far away from my family for more than 4 years now (and still counting since I haven't planned to go back home and stay there). Nom I live in Cibubur and work as an English teacher in one of the private school here. Meanwhile my family stays in one small town in Semarang called Ambarawa. I get used to do everything by myself before finally I've got married and invited him to live with me here.

And now Ied Fitr will come so soon, and when you come up with a question like,

"Whom do you want to meet so soon?"


I can't wait to see all of my family at June 18th 2017 since I'll come back with my lovely husband by train.

Fortunately, all of my family live near to each other. My parents live right beside my grandma and grandpa. My uncle live nearby them as well in the same village, so do my other relatives. So almost all of my family gather there in such a peaceful village. 

Even my husband wants to live there too someday. :D

Sometimes altogether with my aunt and grandparents, we visit some tourist destinations around Semarang. You have to know that we have so many tourist destinations here, so don't forget to have a visit!!

I have a big family, right? But I like to live far because I like to challenge myself and be independent. And I'll wait for every single gathering!!

I'm joining the 7-Day-Writing Challenge by Basa Basi and Kampus Fiksi. Today is the #fifth 5th Day! #7DaysKF

Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)