A Fasting-Break Together with Fabulous Ex-Classmates!!

A Fasting-Break Together with Fabulous Ex-Classmates!!
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Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

After succeeded in holding a fasting-break together last year, now we can gather again!!

I felt so excited when my friend, Shinta texted me and informed me to have a fasting-break together with my ex-classmates, IPA 3 2009!

It is so fabulous everytime we gather in such events such as hanging out together in holiday, attending friend’s wedding like last time we did, and having fasting-break together.

Shinta and Bryan, the ones who coordinated the events had already booked a cozy place I’ve never visited before. Unluckily, I forgot the name -_______-

After met up in front of our senior high school, altogether we went to the spot!

Well, the last time we met each other is when one of my ex-classmates held the wedding in around Pebruary, Dian's Wedding!!

So grateful that we can meet up again now although not all ex-classmates could join us yesterday, August 6 2013, two days before Ied-Day.

Now, they are all hijabers!!

Thus, I always feel so blessed and grateful everytime meeting with them. Gathering with all those guys brings the new motivation and inspiration for me, the way they dress themselves up, their stories, and all the stuff lead me to be the better me. I mean it, since in my daily life, it is quite difficult to meet such people. I studied in Christian university, remember? Thus, meeting up with them is the one I am waiting for!

We talked about many thing happened in our life, about the things we are going to do and so on.

And of course, we took many pictures!

You are with whom you make friends!

It is indeed so true. Good friend will lead you to be a good person and the other way around.

What did we eat?? It was just the same like last year! Hahahaa..

But, the moment itself was just so gorgeous. Some of my friends brought their boyfriend/girlfriend with them, so they had to introduce their special friends in front of us. Also, they had to tell the story how they met each other!

Well, it made me jelau (read : galau) since I have noone to introduce. -______-

We share laughter, stories, time and it was so alive there. Meeting up with old friends is the best moment!

Hope we can still do it for next year and years later.

How about you??
Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)

  1. I looove having a break fasting feast. But my parents never allow me to. They say when I break my fast with my friends, I tend to miss the tarawih. But, well, it's true. Orz...

    By the waaaay... Yang di foto cowok-cowok itu, yang di tengah itu mirip temen sekelasku di STAN deh. Namanya Ifan bukan sih?

  2. Eh tulisan bahasa inggris, numpang lewat aja yah.

    Potonya bagus-bagus.

  3. Eh tulisan bahasa inggris, numpang liat-liat potonya aja yah.. Sama kayak Robi.

    Sori :)

  4. Eh tulisan bahasa inggris, numpang liat-liat potonya aja yah.. Sama kayak Robi.

    Sori :)

    1. sama, aku juga numpang liat" photo ajaaa ehehhehee :D

  5. Wih seru tuh acaranya hehe, best moment can't we fogetten, right? xD

  6. Enak reunian kayak gini, apalagi sama temennya SMA. Huhuhu
    Itu semuanya emang berhijab atau gimana?
    Keren bisa serentak gitu :)

  7. Alhamdulillah, semoga bisa bertemu puasa berikutnya, Aamiiin

  8. wiwiwiw... it must be so fun wasted sometime with old friend, there must be so many things to share and news to be heared from them. some stories and also whats did happened while we all separated.. hmm.. i can imagine that,
    cuz i've ever felt that way too when i meet my old friends from junior high school last ramadan.. :D

  9. that's must be fun of having time with high school's best friends...
    tapi males banget klo pas gak punya pacar trus ngeliatin tmen2 pda bawa pacar gt....ahahaha

  10. wwwahh semuanya berhijab, cantik-cantik semuanya :))

  11. aduhh liat fotonya jadi kpengen kan ~~ T_T kamu sihhhh.... aaahh jadi pengen makannn kan

  12. Kakk... aku jadi pengen ngikuttt....
    seru tuh kayanya :)

  13. jadi ceritanya tentang reunian SMA ya, *manggut2*

    itu kok cowo mukanya muka udah punya anak dua gitu ya, ngahaha..
    beruntung ya masih bisa ketemu temen SMA, lumayan nambah relasi :D

  14. Semoga bisa melakukannya lagi tahun depan di masa akan datang.:)

    Sstt...posting bahasa Inggris, tapi kok keterangan fotonya bahasa Indonesia yah? Apa karena terlalu cinta Indonesia jadi nggak mau ngilangin unsur Indonesianya? ^__^V
