No Idea

No Idea
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Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

And I have no idea at all. You are going soon, and I am not making a move here. And I have no idea at all. You don’t appear, and I keep hiding. And I have no idea at all. We are similar, and I don’t know how to do.

I’m just like your guitar. Keep silent as long as you don’t pluck it. I’m just like your guitar, will be sounded once you play it. And I’m just like your guitar. You are quiet, I remain voiceless.

And I have no idea at all. You are what I want, but I’m not taking a move. I’m this way. It is me. I have no idea at all. Why did I make it so complicated? We are similar. I don't change, it is just how I am. and you don't change, because it is how you really are. we don't change, because it is how we really are.

Regardless what I feel. I’m not gonna make a move. And if you ask me why, because it is how I am. I don’t know either. Life makes it, I do not. You are going, and I am just staying quietly with doing nothing. I am stubborn, I know. But then, I’m not gonna hurt me, either hurt you. Don’t be hurt. Or, is it just me to feel this way? Is it just me who feel this love? Is it just me who think complicated? Is it just you who successfully moved on? Don’t be hurt because of me. Or, is it just me who is afraid too much?

I have no idea at all. Really, I have no idea at all how and what to do, with you...

Hope everything you are doing will go smoothly, keep healthy, and.....
Meykke Santoso

I'm a passionate teacher, an excited blogger, a newbie traveler and a grateful wife. Nice to see you here! I write for fun. Please, enjoy!

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke sini ya... Yuk kita jalin silaturahmi dengan saling meninggalkan jejak di kolom komentar.

Terimakasih .... :)