So excited to tell you about yesterday experience with Pinqueenz minus Dany. Dany is involved in KKN activity held by her university. She is far away in Bandung and cannot join with us yesterday. So here were three of us!! So FUN!!!
As usual every time they go back to Ambarawa, we meet up and go somewhere together. Never forget to take pictures afterwards. And yesterday we did the same. Tuesday, 31st July 2012.Since we are fasting, so we have no idea about destination we are heading to. We usually go to places such as
Cosmo, Warung Bu Rini, My Steak, Dreamland and the like, so we can go eat and take pictures there. Yesterday it was impossible to have lunch together, so we decided to go to places where we can take pictures without paying the meal. Haha…
The first destination : My campus.
They never go in my campus before. So, I planned to invite them to campus since I had to do consultation with my lecturer regarding the next semester I am supposed to take. So, here we were, in my campus. First time, they felt a bit weird entering my campus since they are from universities which are dominantly Muslims. But then, they could see hijabers everywhere there because my university tolerates such a thing. We visited to a place beside the front parking lot and BU room, just in front of the so called ‘guest house’ . I think that’s a good spot to take pictures. Before that, we went to my F building and met up with my colleagues. Last, we went to a small ‘hill’ with a huge tree in the center on it. It is located beside Salib ‘hill’ and there are many chairs and tables made of cement, so we can chat while taking pictures with library building in our back. Hehe..
Next Destination : Banaran
It was boring staying in my campus all the time without doing something .
We then decided to go to a place that has a good view but we don’t have to pay or eat. We chose Banaran!! Banaran brings my memory back when we went there in a complete formation. The story is here.And yesterday we went there again, without Dany of course. We were in hunger, so we had no energy to take many pictures like we did a year ago. We talked about many things,and I always feel so happy meeting up with them!! It was so pleasant.
I always agree that ‘you are whom you make friends with. Good friends, good you. Friends reflects yourself actually. Commonly a person would seek for friends who are similar with them. For example, punkers would be with the other punkers, and I would be with people like them. That’s naturally happens. Just that simple, in order to know how a person is, just look at their friends. ( it is commonly happens, but not always works out like that)
Well, this is it! Our photos in Banaran!! Yeay!!

Back to Ellena’s house.
When we were still in senior high school, we made Ellena’s house, exactly Ellena’s room as our base camp. The reason were because Ellena’s house is located in the middle of our way from our own houses, (di tengah tengah lokasi rumah kita, gimana ya maksutnya, jadi seperti aku dari rumah itu utara ke selatan, Dany dari selatan ke utara, Uma dari timur ke barat, dan letak rumah Ellen seperti di perpaduan garis tarik kita.). Moreover, her house is perfectly cozy to study, to watch movies together, or to take pictures before UAN hit. Haha.. it was so unforgettable, I miss the past. :’)
And yesterday we were there!! we went there on purpose.Transferring the photos from camera to laptop, so we can bring the memories through flash disk. Haha..
After a while taking a rest in Ellena’s house, it’s time to go again to end up our fasting!! Buko Time!! We chose to reach ‘Bakso Kepala Sapi’. Beside it is cheap, also there are not any café in Ambarawa like Salatiga does. Ambarawa…Ambarawa…
And here we end up our journey for yesterday. We spent time together for about 7 hours going around to find out good places, what for?? Taking pictures and having a fun chat!! And we call it “Ngabuburit dan Buka Puasa Unyu Bersama”
Here we were!! Face was a bit messy because we had been already tired. All of that ended up being something that worth-remembering!! I want more!! We are going to meet again, again and again..until we have Pinqueenz junior!! Hahaha…Amien!!

Bonus : GALPOS ! (Gagal Pose)
Wednesday, August 1st 2012, 07:04 AM
My room.
hahahaha i'm speechless while read this post. ur english skill is very very very good, its closer to perfect i guess :D aaaaa gagal posenya bkin ngakak huakakkakakakakak XD
BalasHapuseehehehehe, maacih maaciiiih, but the skill is not that god sih nduk, i have to learn more and more. thank you anyway, it's such an important support for me :)
BalasHapuslove uuuu...:D
mau lagiiii